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Contact Us

Publisher | Arlene Reyes

Sales Manager | Brittany Rought

Editor | Kristen Dowd

Calendar listings & story pitches 08108@newspapermediagroup.com

Letter from the Publisher:

For years, while representing The Sun Newspapers in nearby communities, business owners and residents have asked when we will have a publication in Collingswood. It is with great excitement that my team and I bring you 08108. This magazine will provide an inside look at the vivacious people and businesses of Collingswood. Our goal is to provide content that is unique and original to you, the reader.

The cover is something I want to ensure beautifully highlights Collingswood. This season, we are featuring Kimberly Mutcherson at Knight Park, a 70-acre park known as the jewel of Collingswood. Read about Kimberly and her accomplishments.

I would like to take this time to thank my amazing team and contributors for their dedication in launching this publication, as well as our advertisers for beginning this journey with us.

We hope you enjoy your first issue of 08108. We look forward to being a part of the Collingswood community.

See you in the fall!

Arlene Reyes

Letter from the Editor:

Welcome to 08108, a new mag- azine uncovering the stories behind your borough. Collingswood is a vibrant community, and in our first issue, we wanted to capture that spirit with a variety of stories. We talk business. We crack open the history books. We introduce you to your neighbors. We indulge in that perfect cup of coffee (or three). In 08108, you’re going to find a little bit of everything, touching on the familiar while discovering something new.

It’s no secret Collingswood has established itself as a shopping and dining destination in not only South Jersey, but beyond. You can read all about the borough’s business climate and how it has impressed with its retail reputation – and plans to continue to do so into the future.

Fall back in time with the CollingsKnight House, the 194-year old structure around which the borough has grown and evolved, and then come back to the future when you read about Collingswood resident Kimberly Mutcherson (page 16), who is forging a remarkable, impressive path as the first woman, the first African American and the first LGBT law dean at Rutgers Law School in Camden.

Do you love coffee? Beer? What about a little of both? Explore what Collingswood (and nearby Oaklyn) have to offer in Borough brews.

We hope you enjoy our inaugural issue as much as we enjoyed creating it. We look forward to exploring Collingswood with you!

Kristen Down